" Together, we can achieve more…"

Our Mission

The American Chinese International Cultural Exchange Council (ACICEC) is a non-profit organization that exists to promote a peaceful and livable world since 2013. Under the leadership of Teresa Lai, our mission is to help communities achieve a better vantage in their lives.

We aim to do it by developing programs such as equipping communities to prevent crimes, promote equality, and rebuild connections that synergize cultural differences. Through these efforts, our dream is to see a better society for this generation and the generations to come.

From Bay Area and Beyond

In recent human history, we have witnessed various events that shaped our societies. There are major hurdles that we have accomplished, and thanks to our collaborative effort and willpower, we surpassed them! But as we continue and move on, there are emerging challenges that we have to face and address. One of these challenges are the ones that disrupt the peace of our society. With the absence of peace, it makes life difficult for you and me. It is for the same reason that in 2013, the American Chinese International Cultural Exchange Council (ACICEC) was given birth. We are a San Francisco based non-profit organization that carries on the mission of promoting a peaceful and livable world. Leading the efforts is our founder, Teresa Lai, who steers the group in helping communities reach a better vantage in their lives. Our group’s advocacy is mainly to equip and empower communities in San Francisco to combat crimes, promote equality, rebuild connections and synergize cultural differences.

However, in the pursuit of this noble cause, ACICEC cannot do it alone; we need your support. With our funding coming mainly from both individual and corporate donors, we are inviting you to partner with us in this cause. We do acknowledge that taking on this problem is not a simple task, therefore hand in hand with you, we can employ a whole-of-society approach. Indeed, the task at hand is overwhelming, but one thing is clear: together, we can turn the dream of better communities into a reality starting from the San Francisco Bay Area then beyond!

Our Communities

In its mission to promote a peaceful and livable world, ACICEC is committed to empowering communities in dealing with the following priorities and areas of concerns. Our goal is to see an equipped group of people who have the essential tools in coping up with our evolving environment.

Our Sponsors